Is Sports Massage just for Sporty people?

Is Sports Massage just for Sporty people?

Short answer...NO!!

We get asked this question a lot, as people sometimes feel a little put off by the words 'Sports Massage' thinking that they can only come and see Laura if they play sports or have a sports related injury...this certainly isn't the case.

Sports Massage can help ANYONE.

The majority of our clients don't actually have a specific sport they play. We have clients who have conditions such as Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, Insomnia, Stress, Anxiety, Sciatica...Many of our clients have sedentary lifestyles, due to spending time working at a desk. This can result in postural problems...aches, pains and reduced mobility.

Sports massage helps with a whole range of issues.

So please, do not be put off by the word ‘Sports Massage’ when you are looking for a thorough and targeted Deep Tissue massage as Sports Massage isn’t just for sporty people